GIS supported evaluation of source control applicability in urban areas

Although considerable effort is being expended to quantify the phenomena involved in source control and to produce guidelines for its application, there is still a lack of reliable, site-specific implementation methodologies. This study, using the multi-parameter handling capabilities of a geographical information system (IDRISI – GIS), aims to provide a methodological approach to source control implementation, taking into account both theoretical concepts and spatial characteristics of the implementation site. This is achieved by the creation of suitability maps for source control implementation using IDRISI-GIS and semihypothetical data from a case study catchment (Klisa in Novi-Sad, Yugoslavia). The existing drainage system and the receiving canals were introduced in the GIS, together with a digital terrain model, land use information and information on soil characteristics, connectivity to the system, and groundwater levels. Suitability maps were produced based on a theoretical criteria set created for the purposes of this research. The results indicate that GIS has a significant potential as a tool for site specific source control implementation, analysis and quantification, not only due to its inherent spatial information handling capabilities, but also due to its “human readability”.