Since the discovery over 60 years ago of fluorocortisone’s biological properties (9-α-Fluoro derivatives of cortisone and hydrocortisone; Fried J and Sabo EF, J Am Chem Soc 76: 1455–1456, 1954), the number of fluorinated drugs has steadily increased. With the improvement in synthetic methodologies, this trend is likely to continue and will lead to the introduction of new fluorinated substituents into pharmaceutical compounds. Although the biotransformation of organofluorine compounds by microorganisms has been well studied, specific investigations on fluorinated drugs are relatively few, despite the increase in the number and variety of fluorinated drugs that are available. The strength of the carbon-fluorine bond conveys stability to fluorinated drugs; thus, they are likely to be recalcitrant in the environment or may be partially metabolized to a more toxic metabolite. This review examines the research done on microbial biotransformation and biodegradation of fluorinated drugs and highlights the importance of understanding how microorganisms interact with this class of compound from environmental, clinical and biotechnological perspectives.