Taste Evaluation and Compliance of two Paediatric Formulations of Phenoxymethylpenicillin in Children

The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the taste of two formulations of phenoxymethylpenicillin suspension in children. The two suspensions, designated Test and Standard, differed only in their flavouring and sweetening agents. The secondary objectives were to study age-related differences in taste perception, to evaluate the acceptability of the suspensions, and to determine patient compliance. In 319 children with acute otitis media a taste description was recorded after a single therapeutic dose. The patient's own spontaneous verbal judgements, directly after the dose intake and also 3—4 minutes later, were recorded. The parents were asked about the child's acceptance of the suspension after finalized treatment. For 214 patients compliance was calculated from the remaining amount of suspension in the returned medication bottles. The study indicated that children aged 6 years or older considered the test formulation to be better-tasting than the standard formulation. The judgements by the parents also indicated that the test suspension was more acceptable. In children below 6 years there was no significant difference between the two suspensions with regard to taste or acceptance. A high patient compliance (≥90%) was obtained in 88% of the patients.