Coagulation studies in children and young adults with cerebral ischemic episodes

Patients (101) < 45 yr old and showing objective signs of cerebral ischemia were studied retrospectively for pathogenetic factors. Twelve were < 15 yr; the male to female ratio was 1:1. Factors known as predisposing (heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipemia, diabetes mellitus or infectious diseases) and other possible factors (e.g., trauma, abuse) were found in 41 patients. Among women using contraceptive pills there might be an increased risk of development of cerebral thrombosis, but the material was not large enough to warrant statistical analysis. In 64 patients, 1 or more abnormal coagulation values were found, the most frequent being a deficient vessel wall fibrinolysis (noted in 38%). The fibrinolytic defense mechanism of the vessel wall should be investigated in patients with cerebral thrombosis, since it is possible to treat this condition with specific fibrinolytic stimulating agents.