Psoriasis in special localizations

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis affecting 1–3% of the general population. Patients with psoriasis represent a heterogeneous population with individual disease expression – different degrees and severity of skin involvement. Psoriatic lesions in particular localizations such as the face, scalp, intertriginous or palmoplantar areas significantly reduce quality of life. Patients often feel ashamed, embarrassed, or self-conscious about their symptoms. Furthermore, genital psoriasis significantly affects sexual health. Among patients with psoriasis, the prevalence of special localizations is estimated to be 23–27% on the nails, 49% on the face, 12–16% on the palms and soles, and up to 36% in intertriginous regions. Due to peculiar features of skin in these areas, adequate and specific management is required, which is discussed in this review.