Determinants of Nonadherence to a Single-Dose Nevirapine Regimen for the Prevention of Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission in Rwanda

Not the final published versionObjectives: To describe experiences, and identify factors associated with nonadherence to a single-dose nevirapine (SD-NVP) regimen for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV in Rwanda.\ud \ud Methods: In April to May 2006, using a case-control design at 12 PMTCT sites, we interviewed HIV-infected women who did not adhere (n = 111) and who adhered (n = 125) to the PMTCT prophylaxis regimen. Nonadherence was defined as mother and/or infant not ingesting SD-NVP at the recommended time or not at all and adherence as mother-infant pairs who ingested it as recommended.\ud \ud Results: Only 61% of nonadherent women had received SD-NVP during pregnancy or delivery. Among nonadherent women who received SD-NVP, 80% ingested it at the recommended time, representing 49% of all nonadherent women. Only 7% of their newborns ingested SD-NVP. Multivariate logistic regression showed that unmarried women, less educated women, women who made 2 or less antenatal care visits, and those offered HIV testing after their first antenatal care visit were more likely to be nonadherent to PMTCT prophylaxis. Not disclosing one's HIV status to someone aside from a partner was also associated with nonadherence in mother-infant pairs.\ud \ud Conclusions: Sociodemographic factors, health services delivery factors, and a lack of communication and social support contributed to nonadherence to PMTCT prophylaxis in Rwanda

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