奶牛生鲜乳中抗生素残留不仅影响乳制品加工质量,而且危害人体健康。国家及乳品加工企业对此问题高度重视,原料奶中的残留抗生素检测就成了各乳品加工企业的一个重要质量检测指标,并对检测结果为抗生素残留阳性的原料奶实施严格的拒收措施。近年来,不明原因性牛奶含抗假阳性问题表现较为突出,给牛场带来的经济损失巨大,也成了奶牛场关注的热点问题之一。本文在参阅相关奶牛生鲜乳抗生素检测假阳性问题研究资料的基础上,结合笔者长期在奶牛临床一线的工作积累和临床研究,针对奶牛生鲜乳抗生素检测假阳性问题,从发生原因,防控措施等方面进行了临床分析研究,在此作以交流。 Antibiotic residues in dairy milk not only affect dairy processing but also harm human health. The state and dairy processing enterprises attach great importance to this problem. The detection of residual antibiotics in raw milk has become an important quality index for dairy processing enterprises. Strict rejection measures were also carried out for raw milk with positive test results for antibiotic residues. In recent years, the problem of anti-false positive of milk containing unknown cause is more prominent, which brings huge economic loss to the dairy farm, and has become one of the hot issues concerned by the dairy farm. In this paper, with the research data on the false positive of antibiotics in cow raw milk, based on the author’s long-term accumulation of work and clinical research in the dairy cow clinical front line, the author conducted a clinical analysis and research on the problem of false positive detection of antibiotics in dairy cow raw milk, from causes and prevention and control measures, etc. in here to communication.