Spectrum of oculomycosis in South India

Ninety-one consecutive cases of proven oculomycosis were studied in relation to clinical features and epidemiological parameters. Mycotic corneal ulcers formed the major group (76%), followed by endophthalmitis (20%). Aspergillus was the common causative fungus (36%) in keratomycosis followed by Penicillium species (29%). Fusarium keratomycosis was not as common as reported in the literature. In endophthalmitis there was preponderance of Penicillium as the causative fungus. These etiological agents are studied in comparison with studies of conjunctival flora of healthy controls and culture studies of common objects of trauma. Mycotic endophthalmitis was seen following cataract surgery in 64% of cases. Contrary to expectations the onset of endophthalmitis was within 2 weeks of surgery in most cases. Trauma with organic matter was an important predisposing factor in keratomycosis. These observations are discussed in relation to the clinical features. Other unusual forms of oculomycosis are also discussed.

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