Analysis of vasoactivity of local pH, PCO2 and bicarbonate on pial vessels.

The mechanism by which the local effect of CO2ON pial arterioles is exerted was examined in anesthetized cats equipped with a cranial window for the direct observation of the microcirculation of the parietal cortex. The dilation of pial arterioles in response to application of artificial cerebrospinal fluid with low pH was the same whether or not the PCO2 of the solution was maintained in the normal range or markedly increased. The constriction of pial arterioles in response to application of artificial cerebrospinal fluid with high pH was the same whether or not the PCO2 of the solution was maintained in the normal range or markedly decreased. Finally, pial arterioles did not change their caliber in response to application of cerebrospinal fluid with unchanged pH but markedly increased or decreased Pco, or bicarbonate ion concentration. These results show that the action of CO2 on cerebral vessels is exerted via changes in extracellular fluid pH and that molecular CO2 and bicarbonate ions do not have independent vasoactivity on these vessels.

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