Endocrine and neuroendocrine regulations in embryos and larvae of crustaceans

This review deals with the studies which have been conducted for the past 30 years on the endocrine and neuroendocrine regulations in embryos and larvae of crustaceans, mostly in decapods. Y-organs, mandibular organs and the X-organ sinus gland complex of the eyestalks are present in the first post-embryonic instar of most investigated species. Y-organs, the X-organs and the sinus glands have also been located in embryos of a few species. Larval molting appears to be regulated in a way similar to that in adults involving a MIH-ecdysteroid system. Evidence points to a control of metamorphosis through the eyestalks. Experimental evidence points to a neuroendocrine control of changes in pigmentation and of osmoregulation. Progress in the isolation and characterization of the hormones and neurohormones controlling these metabolic changes in adults should help and promote further research on regulation during the embryonic and early postembryonic development.