Effects of protein malnutrition on IL-6-mediated signaling in the liver and the systemic acute-phase response in rats

This study examines the effects of malnutrition on IL-6 signaling pathways of rats fed 2% vs. 20% casein diets for 14 days. Effects of malnutrition on the abundance and IL-6-stimulated phosphorylation of signaling proteins in the JAK-STAT and MAP kinase pathways were examined in the liver. Changes of the acute-phase response as reflected by serum α1-acid glycoprotein (AG), TNF-α (TNF), and IL-1β (IL-1) were compared in the two dietary groups at 0, 4, 8, 16, and 24 h after IL-6 administration. Under basal conditions, the abundance of the IL-6 receptor, gp130, JAK1, STAT1, and STAT3 proteins and levels of phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38 were significantly increased in the liver in the 2% casein group compared with the 20% casein group. With IL-6 stimulation, the increased phosphorylation per unit of protein of these signaling proteins was not different in the liver between the two groups. Before IL-6 stimulation, serum levels of TNF, IL-1, IL-6, and AG were significantly higher in the 2% casein group than in the 20% casein group. After bolus injection of IL-6, changes in IL-1 and AG were similar in the two dietary groups, although a slight decline in AG level was noted after 8 h of IL-6 administration in the 2% protein group. These data demonstrate that protein malnutrition produces changes in inflammation-related proteins characteristic of a low-grade systemic inflammatory response and, thus, can serve as an inflammatory stimulus. The capacity for response to IL-6 is preserved, suggesting adaptive preservation of acute-phase responsiveness during malnutrition.