Trains of thought

When information is abundant, it becomes increasingly difficult to fit nuggets of knowledge into a single coherent picture. Complex stories spaghetti into branches, side stories, and intertwining narratives. In order to explore these stories, one needs a map to navigate unfamiliar territory. We propose a methodology for creating structured summaries of information, which we call metro maps. Our proposed algorithm generates a concise structured set of documents maximizing coverage of salient pieces of information. Most importantly, metro maps explicitly show the relations among retrieved pieces in a way that captures story development. We first formalize characteristics of good maps and formulate their construction as an optimization problem. Then we provide efficient methods with theoretical guarantees for generating maps. Finally, we integrate user interaction into our framework, allowing users to alter the maps to better reflect their interests. Pilot user studies with a real-world dataset demonstrate that the method is able to produce maps which help users acquire knowledge efficiently.

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