What are agile, flexible, or adaptable employees and students? A typology of dynamic individual differences in applied settings

The applied psychology literature has discussed and used a variety of different definitions of dynamic individual differences. Descriptions like dynamic, agile, adaptive, or flexible can refer to a variety of different types of constructs. The present article contributes to the literature by presenting an organizing typology of dynamic constructs. We also conducted a literature review of four major applied journals over the last 15 years to validate the taxonomy and to use it to map what type of dynamic individual differences constructs are typically studied in the applied psychology literature. The typology includes six basic conceptualizations of dynamic individual differences: Variability constructs (inconsistency across situations), skill acquisition constructs (learning new skills), transition constructs (avoiding “loss” in behavior/skill after unforeseen change), reacquisition constructs (relearning after change), acceleration/deceleration constructs (losing or gaining energy by displaying the behavior), and integration/dissolution constructs (behavior becomes more or less uniform). We provide both verbal and statistical definitions for each of these constructs, and demonstrate how these conceptualizations can be operationalized in assessment and criterion measurement using R code and simulated data. We also show how researchers can test different dynamic explanations using likelihood-based R2 statistics.