Inflammatory Breast Diseases during Lactation: Milk Stasis, Puerperal Mastitis, Abscesses of the Breast, and Malignant Tumors – Current and Evidence-Based Strategies for Diagnosis and Therapy

Breast diseases during the lactation period are of high importance because they can be an essential cause for early cessation of breastfeeding. To provide a comprehensive overview on the current recommendations of diagnostics and therapies, a systematic literature research was performed on a variety of online medical databases. The primary aim of all therapy is a quick reduction of pain to allow continued breastfeeding. Each particular form of breast disease requires a specific therapy. These can range from conservative measures to antibiotics and surgical procedures. All therapeutic measures, including pharmacotherapy, are normally not an indication for cessation of breastfeeding. Because the majority of breast diseases during the postnatal period occur only after the women have left the maternity clinics, all involved healthcare workers should educate women especially on preventive measures.