Write Fast, Read in the Past

Client-side apps (e.g., mobile or in-browser) need cloud data to be available in a local cache, for both reads and updates. For optimal user experience and developer support, the cache should be consistent and fault-tolerant. In order to scale to high numbers of unreliable and resource-poor clients, and large database, the system needs to use resources sparingly. The SwiftCloud distributed object database is the first to provide fast reads and writes via a causally-consistent client-side local cache backed by the cloud. It is thrifty in resources and scales well, thanks to consistent versioning provided by the cloud, using small and bounded metadata. It remains available during faults, switching to a different data centre when the current one is not responsive, while maintaining its consistency guarantees. This paper presents the SwiftCloud algorithms, design, and experimental evaluation. It shows that client-side apps enjoy the high performance and availability, under the same guarantees as a remote cloud data store, at a small cost.
Funding Information
  • Seventh Framework Programme (609551)
  • Google (European Fellowship in Distributed Computing 2010)
  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-10-BLAN 0208)

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