Painful conditions in the Achilles tendon region: a common problem in middle-aged competitive badminton players

Overuse injuries are the most frequent type in badminton, generally localized in the legs. An earlier study found 32% of young Swedish elite badminton players to have experienced disabling pain in the Achilles tendon region during the previous 5 years. The present investigation examined the prevalence and characteristics of painful conditions in the Achilles tendon region in 32 middle-aged competitive badminton players by means of questionnaire and physiotherapist's examination. Pain in the Achilles tendon region was reported by 44%, either presently or during the past 5 years, generally localized in the middle portion of the tendon. Symptoms had lasted 2 weeks–1 year (96 days). On the competition days 22% of the reported pain currently in the region. Age was found to be correlated to Achilles tendon pain, but there was no relationship between symptoms of pain and body mass index, gender, training quantity, or years of playing badminton. In conclusion, Achilles tendon pain seems to be relatively common among Swedish middle-aged competitive badminton players, particularly in the older ones.