Protective effects of HFE7A, mouse anti-human/mouse Fas monoclonal antibody against acute and lethal hepatic injury induced by Jo2

HFE7A is a mouse anti-human/mouse Fas monoclonal antibody which, protects mice from fulminant hepatitis induced by Jo2. Herein, we report on the mechanism of the protective effect of HFE7A against Jo2-induced acute and lethal hepatic injury. HFE7A reduced the serum aminotransferase level which was elevated after Jo2 injection. HFE7A also inhibited caspase activation and mitochondrial depolarization in hepatocytes derived from apoptosis induced by Jo2 injection. The protective effect of HFE7A against Jo2-induced apoptosis in mouse hepatocytes was reproducible in vitro. The cell death and caspase activation in isolated mouse hepatocytes were induced by incubating these cells with Jo2 in vitro, and HFE7A inhibited the cell death and caspase activation in mouse hepatocytes in a dose-dependent manner. The affinity of HFE7A to mouse Fas was lower than that of Jo2. The binding of Jo2 to neither recombinant mouse Fas nor mouse hepatocytes was inhibited by an excessive amount of HFE7A. Interestingly, HFE7A bound to hepatocytes isolated from Fas knockout mice. From these results, it is suggested that HFE7A may exert a protective effect against Jo2-induced hepatitis not by competitively inhibiting the binding of Jo2 to Fas on hepatocytes, and that a distinct molecule other than Fas may possibly be involved in the protective effect of HFE7A against Jo2-induced hepatic injury.