Adolescent Growth Patterns of the Bony and Cartilaginous Framework of the Nose: A Cephalometric Study

Adolescent growth changes in the nose were studied for 140 female and 140 male subjects between the ages of 11 and 17 years who had class 1 skeletal and dental patterns. Age-related growth changes in the bony and cartilaginous framework of the nose were evaluated. Nasal height and nasal bridge length became fully mature in males at 15 years and fully mature in females at 12 years. The upper nasal dorsum, lower nasal dorsum, anterior nasal depth, and posterior nasal depth exhibited continuous growth up to 14 years in males and 2 years earlier in females. Nasal tip protrusion approached its mature size in males at 15 years and at 13 years in females. Although the lower dorsum rotated forward slightly, rotation of the upper dorsum was not significant during adolescence. Knowledge of these age-related growth changes of the nose may be useful in planning the time of aesthetic or reconstructive nose surgery.