Effect of the Major Repeat Sequence on Mitotic Recombination in Candida albicans

The major repeat sequence (MRS) is known to play a role in karyotypic variation in Candida albicans. The MRS affects karyotypic variation by expanding and contracting internal repeats, by altering the frequency of chromosome loss, and by serving as a hotspot for chromosome translocation. We proposed that the effects of the MRS on translocation could be better understood by examination of the effect of the MRS on a similar event, mitotic recombination between two chromosome homologs. We examined the frequency of mitotic recombination across an MRS of average size (∼50 kb) as well as the rate of recombination in a 325-kb stretch of DNA adjacent to the MRS. Our results indicate that mitotic recombination frequencies across the MRS were not enhanced compared to the frequencies measured across the 325-kb region adjacent to the MRS. Mitotic recombination events were found to occur throughout the 325-kb region analyzed as well as within the MRS itself. This analysis of mitotic recombination frequencies across a large portion of chromosome 5 is the first large-scale analysis of mitotic recombination done in C. albicans and indicates that mitotic recombination frequencies are similar to the rates found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.