Tooth mortality and periodontal conditions in 60–80‐year‐old Chinese

The study comprised 544 persons aged 60 yr or more from two urban Residential Areas and one rural village (including a nursing home) of Beijing area. Overall, the sample accounted for 81% of the total population of elderly aged 60 yr or more in the village/areas so defined. Each person was examined for dental status, plaque, calculus, gingivitis, loss of attachment, pocket depth and tooth mobility. Edentulousness was seen in 0-29% of the persons examined, depending on age and sex. The mean number of teeth present ranged from 6.9 to 23.9, depending on age and sex, and area. The oral hygiene was poor; approximately 50% of all surfaces had immediately visible plaque deposits and calculus. About 50% of the surfaces had a loss of attachment greater than or equal to 4 mm, while less than 15% presented pockets greater than or equal to 4 mm. More than 50% of the individuals had loss of attachment greater than or equal to 4 mm on more than 40% of their surfaces. The proportion of surfaces per person with loss of attachment greater than or equal to 7 mm; and pockets greater than or equal to 4 mm, respectively, showed a pronounced skewed distribution. These findings indicate that a subfraction of individuals is responsible for a substantial proportion of the severe periodontal breakdown leading to loss of teeth. This, in turn, raises important questions as to the most appropriate strategies for the prevention and control of periodontal diseases for the Chinese population.