Basolateral Entry and Release of New and Old World Arenaviruses from Human Airway Epithelia

Transmission of arenaviruses from rodent hosts to humans is generally thought to occur through inhalation or ingestion of dust or droplets containing viral particles. Here we demonstrate that two identified arenavirus receptors, α-dystroglycan (α-DG) and transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1), are expressed in polarized human airway epithelia. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus strains with high or low α-DG affinity and Junin virus, which binds TfR1, efficiently infected polarized epithelia only when applied to the basolateral surface or when injury compromised tight junction integrity. Viral egress from infected epithelia exhibited basolateral polarity. This study demonstrates that respiratory entry of arenaviruses occurs via basolateral receptors.