RNF186 regulates EFNB1 (ephrin B1)-EPHB2-induced autophagy in the colonic epithelial cells for the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis

Although genome-wide association studies have identified the gene RNF186 encoding an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase as conferring susceptibility to ulcerative colitis, the exact function of this protein remains unclear. In the present study, we demonstrate an important role for RNF186 in macroautophagy/autophagy activation in colonic epithelial cells and intestinal homeostasis. Mechanistically, RNF186 acts as an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase for EPHB2 and regulates the ubiquitination of EPHB2. Upon stimulation by ligand EFNB1 (ephrin B1), EPHB2 is ubiquitinated by RNF186 at Lys892, and further recruits MAP1LC3B for autophagy. Compared to control mice, rnf186(-/-) and ephb2(-/-) mice have a more severe phenotype in the DSS-induced colitis model, which is due to a defect in autophagy in colon epithelial cells. More importantly, treatment with ephrin-B1-Fc recombinant protein effectively relieves DSS-induced mouse colitis, which suggests that ephrin-B1-Fc may be a potential therapy for human inflammatory bowel diseases.
Funding Information
  • Huazhong University of Science & Technology (grant 2017KFYXJJ163)
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (grants 81871280)
  • Junior Thousand Talents Program of China (to C.H.W.)