Presence of SARS-CoV-2 on surfaces and materials in supermarket social areas in Türkiye

The aim of this study was to monitor the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in particularly, on certain foods and surfaces in contact with food in the supermarkets of the districts where the highest number of cases reported due to the filiation data of the Ministry of Health, in Ankara, Turkey. For this purpose, a total of 172 samples were taken from 5 markets in 4 districts in Ankara. In the study, RNA extraction from the samples was performed by the cador Pathogen 96 QIAcube HT Kit using QIAcube automated extraction robot. RdRp gene targeting RT-qPCR assays was used to determine the SARS-CoV-2. According to the analysis, all of the supermarket samples selected based on the high number of cases in the district were found to be negative except the one where the COVID-19 cases were detected in the staff. In this market, COVID-19 RNA was detected with a high number of copy such as 5000, by Real Time RT-PCR in pooled swab samples taken from salt shakers, pepper shakers, red pepper shakers, vinegar and oil bottles in the social area where the staff used in lunch and breaks. This finding showed that, it is of great importance for public health to monitor food businesses against COVID-19 cases and to take samples from these businesses. Therefore, the collection of samples from food businesses in the regions with high number of cases at certain intervals should continue within the scope of the "Early Warning System".
Funding Information
  • This work was financed by Republic of Türkiye, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.