Identifying Animals with Dynamic Location-aware and Semantic Hierarchy-Based Image Browsing for Different Cognitive Style Learners

Lack of overall ecological knowledge structure is a critical reason for learners' failure in keyword-based search. To address this issue, this paper firstly presents the dynamic location-aware and semantic hierarchy (DLASH) designed for the learners to browse images, which aims to identify learners' current interesting sights and provide adaptive assistance accordingly in ecological learning. The main idea is based on the observation that the species of plants and animals are discontinuously distributed around the planet, and hence their semantic hierarchy, besides its structural similarity with WordNet, is related to location information. This study then investigates how different cognitive styles of the learners influence the use of DLASH in their image browsing. The preliminary results show that the learners perform better when using DLASH based image browsing than using the Flickr one. In addition, cognitive styles have more effects on image browsing in the DLASH version than in the Flickr one.