The first reported occurrence of Leucoinocybe (Porotheleaceae, Agaricales) in China: Leucoinocybe lishuiensis sp. nov. from Zhejiang Province

The first occurrence of Leucoinocybe in the Chinese mycobiota is reported, and Leucoinocybe lishuiensis, a new species from the Baishanzu National Forest Park, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, is described. The new species is characterized by the presence of a brown pileus, white lamellae, narrowly ellipsoid basidiospores, prominently thick-walled pileocystidia and caulocystidia and growth on living wood in Picea, Pinus, Populus, and Quercus mixed forests. A comprehensive morphological description, photographs, line drawings, and comparisons of related species are provided. Molecular analyses of a combined dataset of nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and large ribosomal subunit (LSU) sequences using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods were conducted to elucidate the taxonomic status of L. lishuiensis. The phylogenetic analyses coupled with morphological observations confirmed our recognition of this new species.