Evaluation of Progress Toward Gender Equity Among Departmental Chairs in Academic Medicine

Although the gender gap in medical school matriculation has closed,1 the representation of women in leadership roles in academic medicine has been reported to be low, particularly among departmental chairs.2 This study evaluates the extent of progress in female representation among program directors (PDs), chairs, and deans to provide a valuable benchmark by which to evaluate future progress. Identify all potential conflicts of interest that might be relevant to your comment. Conflicts of interest comprise financial interests, activities, and relationships within the past 3 years including but not limited to employment, affiliation, grants or funding, consultancies, honoraria or payment, speaker's bureaus, stock ownership or options, expert testimony, royalties, donation of medical equipment, or patents planned, pending, or issued. Err on the side of full disclosure. If you have no conflicts of interest, check "No potential conflicts of interest" in the box below. The information will be posted with your response. Not all submitted comments are published. Please see our commenting policy for details.