Mapping the relationship between proactive behavior and talent management practices: The mediating role of organizational commitment

In a diverse and modern organization with high extent of competitiveness within the market, maintaining high performance is of necessity. Talent management practices, when implied and used properly can significantly contribute to an organizations’ degree of overall performance as it has been noted throughout the literature. Employees and individuals seeking professional careers are required to cope with fast-changing environments of their workplaces. The need to constantly improve oneself is a dire one. Current research paper analyzes mediation effect of organizational commitment on the relationship between proactive personality and talent management practices from employee perspective of university academic and administrative staff. Mediation regression analysis (PROCESS) has been used to analyze the gathered data from universities located in North Cyprus, and the accumulated results show a full mediation effect from organizational commitment on the aforementioned relationship. The study contributes to the literature through expansion of proposed model in context of talent management and proactive personality as well as analytical method alongside context of academia. Furthermore, this study provides tangible implications, which can be beneficial for university decision-makers.