The producers, intermediaries, shippers, and consignees, located often thousands of miles distant from each other, require efficient transport and logistics services to get the right product with the right quality and quantity to the right place within the right time and above all at a right price. The main objective of this study was to assess the effect of freight transport service performance on international trade competitiveness. A descriptive research design was used. Secondary data were collected from international organizations' policy, standards documents, and annual report of the year 2018 by using the Logistic Performance Index rank. Moreover, a quantitative research approach was applied. The data were entered, manipulated, organized, and analyzed using Excel and Statistical Package for Social Science. Both descriptive and inferential analyses were used to identify and examine the extent of international trade competitiveness and its implication in the global market. As the result reviled the entire logistic performance factors such as Growth Domestic Product, Distance, Infrastructure, Landlocked, and Timelines were found to be significantly important to determine the global market competitiveness. But, the geographical distance between bilateral countries affected a country’s trade negatively. The top 10 higher Logistic Performance Index scores more competitive and better implementer of the effects of freight transport factors; whereas, the bottom scorers had an ineffective market link with their partners.