Physiological norms in Silappatikaram

Silappatikaram an epic poetry was written by Ilanko Adikal. Silambu and Context (Athikaram) are combined and becomes Silappatikaram. The story of Silmba (Anklet) is therefore called Silappatikaram. It is called the Citizen's Epic because it was sung by ordinary people like Kovalan and Kannaki. It is the book that makes the life of the people very clear. Individuality, Family, Relative, Community Membership, Citizenship are Physiological Sites and characteristics that human beings need to protect, tasks to perform, and the norms by which an ordinary man can live in everyday life. The integrity of the political life, the rise of femininity, the belief in morality are the high principles of the Tamil people; Silappatikaram explains these. It persuades moral principles through fiction. In this way, it is considered to be the study of the Physiological norms of these People's through dance.

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