本文对水体富营养化常用的评价水质指标、评价方法和等级划分方法进行了综述。根据鱼类行为响应特征提出了一种基于鱼类行为响应在水体富营养化评价中的应用方法。该方法与其它理化分析手段相比,具有更直观、客观、综合和历史可溯源性的特点,可更真实、直接地反映环境污染的客观状况,这种综合性和真实性是任何化学监测方法所无可比拟的。 The commonly used water quality indicators, evaluation methods and classification methods for water eutrophication were reviewed in the article. According to the characteristics of fish behavior response, an application method based on fish behavior response in water eutrophication evaluation was proposed. Compared with other physical and chemical analysis methods, this method has the characteristics of more intuitive, objective, comprehensive and historical tracea-bility, and can more truly and directly reflect the objective conditions of environmental pollution. The comprehensiveness and authenticity of this evaluation method are unmatched by any chemical monitoring method.