Psychometric properties of the scale: perception of the information and communication technologies for Knowledge Management

The objective of this research is to discuss the psychometric elements of reliability and validity on a measurement model that determines the perception on information and communication technologies for knowledge management in organizations. The scale is based on 6 questions and 2 structured factors in a Likert-type scale, with 5 answer options. It was applied to 337 small and medium companies with diverse specialties within the building field in the state of Campeche. The results of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis show an adequate fit and the reliability values are also satisfactory (χ2 = 24.97, p = .002, SRMR = .01, AGFI = .93, TLI = .97, CFI =. 98, RMSEA .07 IC90 [.04-.11]; α = .88), thus confirming the empirical strength of the model. It is concluded that the scale is valid and reliable for use in the context studied.