羌族是一个历史悠久、文化灿烂的民族,在漫长的历史发展进程中,羌族人民创造出了多姿多彩、独特辉煌的民族文化,其中刺绣以其绚丽多彩、美观实用、巧夺天工而获得世人的称赞。羌族刺绣具有重要的旅游开发价值,而针对该旅游商品的研究却没有得到足够的关注。本文以四川理县桃坪羌寨为研究地点,通过游客的问卷调查,对调查结果进行分析,对羌族刺绣这一特殊旅游商品的经营现状进行分析,并对其开发和营销提出建议。 With a glorious history and brilliant culture, the Qiang national minority has created a colorful culture with its unique national characteristics. The Qiang People’s Embroidery which is artistic, practical and intelligent designed is renowned both at home and abroad. Thus, Qiang people’s embroidery has the im- portant value of tourism exploitation. However studies on this tourist commodity are still fewer. Taking the Taoping Qiang Village which is located in Li County of Sichuan Province, this article delineates the present situation of the Qiang people’s embroidery and puts forward the proposal to its development and marketing strategy based on a questionnaire survey to the tourists