Atherosclerotic Background of Cirrhosis in Sickle Cell Patients

Background: We tried to understand the presence of any atherosclerotic background of cirrhosis in patients with sickle cell diseases (SCDs). Methods: The study was performed in the Hematology Service of the Mustafa Kemal University on SCDs patients between March 2007 and June 2012. Results: The study included 256 patients with SCDs (127 females). Their mean age was 29.3 years. Cirrhosis was detected in 5.8% (15) of the SCDs patients without any gender difference (6.2% of females versus 5.4% of males, p>0.05). There were 15 (5.8%) patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with a highly significant male predominance (3.1% versus 8.5%, p0.05). Conclusion: Probably cirrhosis is a systemic inflammatory process prominently affecting the hepatic vasculature, and an eventual accelerated atheroscerotic process is the main underlying cause of characteristics of the disease. SCDs are accelerated systemic atherosclerotic processes, too, and the higher prevalence of cirrhosis in SCDs patients may indicate the underlying atherosclerotic background of cirrhosis. Key words: Atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, cirrhosis, sickle cell diseases