Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Keterampilan Berkomunikasi Kepala Sekolah terhadap Kinerja Guru

The research aims at finding out the influence of leadership style and communicative skill of school principals on teachers working performance in senior high schools of North Musi Rawas regency. The research was conducted through quantitative approach with double regression analysis. It was executed in 6 senior high schools in North Musi Rawas regency. The population of the research was all senior high schools in North Musi Rawas regency. Meanwhile, the accessible population was six schools consist of 200 informants. The sampling technique was stratified random sampling, namely, collecting sample randomly propositioned from each group in the schools. The data analysis was done through double regression analysis with ordinary least Square. Then the hypothesis testing was through multi-co-linearity, heterokedastisitas, auto-corellation, normally distributed. Statistical hypothesis was done through T testvamd F test. The result of variable X1 analysis presented t-obtained = 2,644 and p-value = 0.027/2 = 0,013 < 0.05, it means leadership style has a positive impact on teachers performance. Moreover, the result of variable X2 analysis presented t-obtained = 2.526 and p-value = 0.013/2 = 0.006 < 0.05, it means the communicative skill of school principals has a positive impact on teachers working performance. Keywords: Leadership Style, Communicative Skill, Working Performance