Test with external peripheral vascular occlusion in evaluation of ergoreflex in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Aim. To evaluate changes in the cardiointervalogram (CIG) in the test with external peripheral vascular occlusion in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and in individuals without diseases of the respiratory system. Materials and Methods. The study included 105 men, of them 64 patients with COPD (age 64.988.67) and 41 volunteers without diseases of the respiratory system (age 61.689.21). The autonomic status was examined and alterations in CIG in the test with occlusion were evaluated on Varicard hardware and software complex (OOO Ramena, Russia). Results. The obtained data showed the autonomic imbalance with predomination of the activity of sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in patients with COPD as compared to the control group (p0.05). A study of ergoreflex by analysis of changes in CIG showed reduction of the activity of sympathetic division of the ANS in the test with external peripheral vascular occlusion in individuals without diseases of the respiratory system. In patients with COPD, changes in CIG in the test were less expressed and not always achieved statistically significant level (p0.05). Conclusions. Differences in the results of the test with external peripheral vascular occlusion in patients with COPD and volunteers without diseases of the respiratory system are attributed to hyperactivation of ergofeflex in patents with COPD.