Secure Image Encryption Scheme Based on DNA and New Multi Chaotic Map

Encryption of medical image is very important subject especially in wireless body area networks (WBAN) applications where the devices have many limitations in memory size, energy and computation capabilities. In this paper an image encryption scheme is introduced to be suitable for this limitations. The scheme consists of two phases. Firstly, the patient information (as name, age, ..etc) is hidden in the patient medical image (as x-ray, MRI, ..etc) using Least Signification Bit technique to reduce the capacity of data encrypted and make this information visually unavailable to unauthorized personnel. Secondly, the patient's medical image is encrypted using DNA coding rules and a new multi chaotic map system. DNA coding improves computational speed and provides large capacity for data transmission while the new multi chaotic map consists by merging Henon, Sin and Ten map (HST) to produces pseudo random sequences with more chaotic characteristics. Results show that this scheme has a good peak signal to noise ratio, low correlation, huge key space, key-dependent pixel value replacement and can resist statistical and differential attacks.

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