Fuzzy Radio Reciprocal L-Labeling on Certain Chemical Graphs

Objectives: The objective of this study is to reduce the interference of the signals between Wi-Fi devices where the fuzzy values of the frequencies are from the closed interval [0,1]. Method: A new methodology is introduced to reduce the interference of the signals between Wi-Fi devices that is fuzzy radio reciprocal L-labeling. Findings: Here the general formula of fuzzy radio reciprocal L-labeling has been newly introduced to apply this concept in chemical graphs. Further results and discussions are also proved in this connection using the fuzzy chemical graph structure, where the distance and the frequencies between the routers of Wi-Fi connections are assigned fuzzy weights based on fuzzy radio reciprocal L-labeling, so that interference can be reduced and the signal strength is optimized. Keywords: Nano sheet; Sirpinski gasket graph ( S n ); Sirpinski like graph (S (n; 4)); g ( s) weight of lines; t (a) weight of points