Corrigendum: New Insights Into the Plastome Evolution of the Millettioid/Phaseoloid Clade (Papilionoideae, Leguminosae)

A Corrigendum on New Insights Into the Plastome Evolution of the Millettioid/Phaseoloid Clade (Papilionoideae, Leguminosae) by Oyebanji, O., Zhang, R., Chen, S.-Y., and Yi, T.-S. (2020). Front. Plant Sci. 11:151. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00151 In the original article, there was a mistake in the legend for Table 1 as published. The use of “C. gracilis” in the h legend is incorrect. The correct legend appears below. “hDuplicated in the IR of all species except D. araripensis, L. domingensis, O. pinnata, P. violacea, X. stuhlmannii, I. linifolia and tinctoria.” In the original article, there was a mistake in Figure 1 and 4 as published. The mistakes were: Cochlianthus gracilis (Phaseoleae), Craspedolobium schochii (Millettieae), and Shuteria vestita (Desmodieae). The corrected taxonomic names appear below. Figure 1. The ML tree of the MP clade reconstructed based on the CP and the variation of IR/SC junctions. Numbers at nodes correspond to ML bootstrap percentages (only values Inserted CORRECTED names: Philenoptera violacea (Millettieae), Spatholobus sp. (Phaseoleae), and Shuteria vestita (Phaseoleae), respectively. In the original article, there was a mistake in Supplementary Figure S1 as published. The mistakes were: Cochlianthus gracilis and Craspedolobium schochii. Inserted CORRECTED names: Philenoptera violacea and Spatholobus sp. respectively. In the original article, there was a mistake in Supplementary Figure S2 as published. The mistakes were: Cochlianthus gracilis and Craspedolobium schochii. Inserted CORRECTED names: Philenoptera violacea and Spatholobus sp., respectively. In the original article, there was a mistake in Supplementary Figure S3 as published. The mistakes were: Cochlianthus gracilis and Craspedolobium schochii. Inserted CORRECTED names: Philenoptera violacea and Spatholobus sp., respectively. In the original article, there was a mistake in Supplementary Table S1 as published. The mistakes were: Cochlianthus gracilis and Craspedolobium schochii. Inserted CORRECTED names: Philenoptera violacea and Spatholobus sp. have been inserted to replace the initial names respectively. In the original article, there was a mistake in Supplementary Table S2 as published. The mistakes were: Cochlianthus gracilis (Phaseoleae), Craspedolobium schochii (Millettieae), and Shuteria vestita (Desmodieae). Inserted CORRECTED names: Philenoptera violacea (Millettieae), Spatholobus sp. (Phaseoleae), and Shuteria vestita (Phaseoleae), respectively. In the original article, there was an error: The mean plastome coverage ranged between 162.0 × (Cochlianthus gracilis Benth., Phaseoleae) and 1,536.4 × [Cajanus crassus (Prain ex King) Maesen, Phaseoleae]. A correction has been made to Section: Results, Sub-section- Plastome Organization and Size. Inserted CORRECTED paragraph: The mean plastome coverage ranged between 162.0 × (Philenoptera violacea (Klotzsch) Schrire, Millettieae) and 1,536.4 × [Cajanus crassus (Prain ex King) Maesen, Phaseoleae]. In the original article, there was an error: C. gracilis. A correction has been made to Section: Results, Sub-section Plastome Structural Variations in the MP Clade. Inserted CORRECTED paragraph: P. violacea. In the original article, there was an error: However, the lineage consisting of Butea monosperma (Lam.) Kuntze and Craspedolobium schochii Harms has different phylogenetic position in trees of CP and NCDs, and that of CDs, but both relationships were weakly supported. Also, the tribe Desmodieae was weakly supported to be monophyletic in CDs, but being weakly supported to be paraphyletic in CP and NCDs. The tribe Indigofereae was strongly supported as sister to the remainder of the MP clade (BS = 100%, and PP = 1.0). Based on the current sampling, it is not sure if the tribe Desmodieae is monophyletic, while the tribes Millettieae and Phaseoleae appear non-monophyletic. correction has been made to Section: Results, Sub-section Phylogenetic Relationships of the MP Clade. Inserted CORRECTED paragraph: However, the lineage consisting of Butea monosperma (Lam.) Kuntze and Spatholobus Hassk sp. has different phylogenetic position in trees of CP and NCDs, and that of CDs, but both relationships were weakly supported. Also, the tribe Desmodieae was weakly supported to be monophyletic in CP and NCDs data matrices whereas strongly supported by CDs data. The tribe Indigofereae was strongly supported as sister to the...