Keragaman Spesies Tersangka Vektor Filariasis Berdasarkan Tipe Habitat dan Ekosistem di Kabupaten Sarmi Provinsi Papua

Filariasis is one of the diseases that require a vector for the transmission process. Information on the determinants of filariasis transmission related to vectors is needed as a basis for control efforts. Further analysis of Vektora Research in 2015 was conducted in order to identify the diversity species of suspected filariasis vector and the environmental characteristics in Sarmi District of Papua Province. Data on mosquito catching, habitat type, and environment each ecosystem analyzed. Filariasis suspect vector species in Sarmi Regency Papua Province obtained were four genus with nine species. These vector/suspect filariasis vector were Anopheles farauti, An. koliensis, An. pediateniatus, An. punctulatus, An. tesselatus, An. subalbatus, Culex quinquefasciatus, Mansonia dives, and Ma. papuensis. Four specific habitat characteristics were found in the mosquito-data collecting sites: primary forest, secondary forest, shrubs, and grass/brown/grassland habitat. Anopheles farauti is a species found abundantly in all specific habitats. Based on the ecosystem, Cx. quinquefasciatus dominates the urban ecosystems of non-forest settlements and beaches near settlements, while An. farauti is found in forests settlements, remote forest settlements, non-remote forest settlements, distant coastal settlements, and beaches near settlements.