MSMEs as Mediation in the Effects of Investment Credit, Interest Rates, and Labor on Economic Growth

An increase in MSMEs in large numbers is very instrumental in increasing economic growth in developing countries, including Indonesia. The research objective is based on identifying the effect of investment credit, interest rates, and labor on economic growth through the role of MSMEs. The design of this research is descriptive-verification to present a structured, factual and accurate picture and test hypotheses empirically through the MRA model. Empirical analysis proves that investment credit and interest rates through the role of MSMEs can influence positively and significantly on Indonesia's economic growth. In other results, it appears that the role of MSMEs is less able to mediate the effect of labor on Indonesia's economic growth. This fact is based on a negative and insignificant relationship. In a sentence or two, enter the implications and limitations of your research. In Indonesia, increasing bank lending to MSMEs in practice is undermined by lending policies by banks and by macroeconomic factors (economic growth, interest rates, investment credit, and labor).