A self-care with Ou MC decrescendo phenomenon may possibly prevent mild COVID-19 disease developing into severe or critical stage

Ou MC decrescendo phenomenon treatment (OuDPt) is a self-administered practice in which the interactions of the anatomical axes result in a physiological response and produce a zone under the contralateral hand with decreased pain or inflammation. OuDPt has shown an effect to alleviate cough, rhinorrhea, headache, acute edematous swellings, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis and joint pain that are related to inflammatory reaction. Most symptoms with coronavirus infection disease 2019 (COVID-19) as fever, cough, myalgia or diarrhea are also associated with inflammation. If the inflammation by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is suppressed, mild COVID-19 disease may not develop into severe or critical stage. Further investigations are warranted.