儿童脑积水是小儿神经外科常见的并发症,临床上很多原因导致脑脊液吸收和分泌失调,进而出现脑室系统扩张,并对脑组织造成损害,造成儿童生长发育延迟或停滞。儿童作为特殊的群体,有其自身的特点。随着近些年分子生物学和基因检测方面的发展以及对脑积水遗传学的深入研究,让我们对脑积水有了更深入的认识。为了更好的应用于临床,本文主要对儿童脑积水的病因、诊断、临床表现及治疗进行综述。 Hydrocephalus in children is a common complication of pediatric neurosurgery. Various reasons lead to the imbalance of cerebrospinal fluid absorption and secretion, leading to ventricular system expansion, and damage to brain tissue, so that children’s growth and development delay or stagnation. Children as a special group, children have their own characteristics. With the development of molecular biology and gene detection in recent years and the in-depth research on the genetics of hydrocephalus, we have a deeper understanding of hydrocephalus. This article reviews the etiology, diagnosis, clinical manifestations and treatment of pediatric hydrocephalus.