COVID-19—White matter and globus pallidum lesions

Since December 2019, a novel coronavirus, also called severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV-2 (SARS-CoV-2), emerged in Wuhan, China, and caused a pandemic disease (COVID-19). Respiratory impairment is the most common symptom in patients with confirmed COVID-19; however, neurologic symptoms were documented in approximately 36%, including headache, disturbed consciousness, and paresthesia.(1)The virus can take different pathways to involve the CNS: in one way through hematogenous or lymphatic route and in another way via the cribriform plate close to the olfactory bulb. Very few studies have shown CNS abnormalities related to COVID-19 on MRI. Herein, we report a case of SARS-CoV-2 brain lesions suggesting an acute demyelination.