Project Management for the Implementation of Lean Manufacturing at an Industrial Enterprise

The present research featured the implementation of lean manufacturing based on project management technology. The research objective was to substantiate the possibility of using tools and methods of lean production at industrial enterprises. The study involved such scientific methods as participant and non-participant observation, statistical methods, process modeling, and survey. At industrial enterprises, lean production methods should be implemented as a project activity, i.e. in different business units and at different levels. To achieve total inclusiveness, managers should be trained in the basics of project, and all other employees – in the basics of lean production. Even separate projects of lean production can increase efficiency and labor productivity. However, the use of certain tools often becomes an end in itself, and not a way to solve the actual problems. Employees involved in lean manufacturing projects often lack awareness and motivation. Insufficient experience in independent project slows down the implementation of lean production projects. Nevertheless, the authors proved that lean production projects can be effective if implemented properly. They also identified some problems specific to industrial enterprises and outlined activities that can improve operational efficiency.