Development of the Mexican Bond Market

This chapter analyzes the Mexican bond market. It describes policies that may have contributed to fostering capital markets and analyzes how much of the recent performance of the corporate debt market in Mexico can be attributed to them. The chapter is organized as follows. The second section describes some macroeconomic aspects and legal reforms that may be influencing the development of bond markets. The third section explains the government debt management strategies and the extension of the yield curve that may have contributed to expanding the corporate debt market. The fourth section portrays in more detail the recent growth trend of the corporate bond market. The fifth section is dedicated to empirical analysis, using two different approaches: Probit and tobit regressions are estimated to determine the impact of macroeconomic and legal factors on the probability of issuing corporate debt and the conditions of issuances. Finally, the sixth section identifies additional ways to encourage the deepening of bond markets, and presents some final remarks.