In its development, the study of sports achievement is always closely related to the physical readiness of athletes. In addition to other supporting factors, such as nutritional status or mental competition as well as good technical mastery, the physical condition factor is still considered to have a major impact on athlete achievement. relation to the determination of the exercise program is still not optimal. For this reason, in this study, the main objective was to find out about the physical condition of the taolu athletes before participating in the national championship which would later be used as the basis for determining the training program. In this research, the researcher used a quantitative descriptive method using surveys as well as tests and measurements. The instrument used in taking the data is a test instrument that has been arranged in a test and measurement guide book and is in accordance with the needs of the physical conditions used in the Wushu Taolu sport. The results showed that athletes with very good condition were 17.32%, in the good category as much as 34.70%, in the sufficient category as much as 23.46%, in the less category as much as 13.29%, and in the poor category as much as 11.23%. . From the results of the tests carried out, the physical condition of the Wushu Taolu athletes in Kediri City was in the good category. Furthermore, researchers who will develop this research can cover a wider area, because this research is only limited to wushu taolu athletes in the city of Kediri.