Not all first-year university students possess the academic self-concept necessary for an effective transition from high school to university. This may impact their aptitude for learning so negatively that their engagement in lifelong learning (LLL), a prerequisite for success at and beyond university, may be limited. Therefore, the relationship between self-concept and LLL tendency is critical. This paper aims to describe this relationship among Arab first year university students. 149 students (77 males and 72 females) in two consecutive courses were involved in the study. Data were collected using two surveys, one on students’ self-concept, and another on their LLL tendency. Comparisons were made to determine whether gender and courses attended played a role in students’ academic self-concept and LLL tendency. The relationship between academic self-concept and LLL tendency was also analyzed. Results showed that students possessed a relatively high academic self-concept and that their LLL tendency scores were higher than the scale midpoint. The female students’ scores for academic effort (a sub-scale of self-concept), and for curiosity (a sub-scale of LLL), were comparatively higher than those for males. The courses attended did not make a significant difference in students’ perception of their academic self-concept; however, students in the second level course scored higher for self-regulation, a sub-scale of LLL, therefore receiving a slightly higher rating for LLL. Results also indicated a positive relationship between self-concept and LLL scores. The association between the academic effort and self-regulation domains of the scales was noteworthy. Recommendations are made to enhance students’ academic self-concept and LLL tendency, with an aim to strengthen the relationship between the two concepts. لا يمتلك جميع طلاب السنة الأولى في الجامعة مفهوم الذات الأكاديمي الضروري للانتقال الفعال من المدرسة الثانوية إلى الجامعة. قد يؤثر هذا على استعدادهم للتعلم بشكل سلبي لدرجة أن مشاركتهم في التعلم مدى الحياة (LLL)، وهو شرط أساسي للنجاح في الجامعة وخارجها، قد يكون محدودًا. ولذلك، فإن العلاقة بين مفهوم الذات واتجاه LLL أمر بالغ الأهمية. تهدف هذه الورقة إلى وصف هذه العلاقة بين طلاب الجامعات العرب في السنة الأولى. شارك في الدراسة 149 طالبًا في دورتين متتاليتين. تم جمع البيانات باستخدام مسحين، أحدهما عن مفهوم الذات لدى الطلاب، والآخر عن اتجاه LLL. أجريت مقارنات لتحديد ما إذا كان الجندر والدورات التدريبية قد لعبت دوراً في مفهوم الطلاب الأكاديمي الذاتي واتجاه LLL. كما تم تحليل العلاقة بين مفهوم الذات الأكاديمي...