Acclimatization of Orchid (Phalaepnopsis amabilis) with Different Plant Substrate and Giving of Leaf Fertilizer

The purpose of the research is to find the most appropriate planting medium and theconcentration of leaf fertilizer for acclimatization of Phalaenopsis orchids in order to increase theplant growth. The research was conducted from November 2017 to June 2018 in the screen house.The design was laid in Randomized Completed Block Design with two treatment factors, the first oneis the plant medium (fern, cocofiber, and kadaka root) and the second one is the concentration of leaffertilizer (without fertilizer, 1 g L-1, 2 g L-1, 3 g L-1 of leaf fertilizer). The results showed that kadakaroots could increase the leaf area growth by 19.2% compared to ferns and 26.67% compared tococonut fiber. Leaf fertilizer concentration of 2 g L-1 is the best concentration that can increase in leafarea addition by 78.31% and the amount of chlorophyll by 25.58%. The combination of plant substratetypes and fertilizer concentration have not increased the growth of Phalaenopsis orchid plants in theacclimatization phase.Keywords: coconut fiber, concentration, fern, plant growth, kadaka root Penelitian bertujuan mendapatkan media tanam dan konsentrasi pupuk daun yang paling tepatuntuk aklimatisasi anggrek Phalaepnopsis agar meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitiandilaksanakan November 2017 sampai Juni 2018 di rumah kasa. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakanRancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak dengan dua factor perlakuan, faktor pertama adalah mediatanam (pakis, sabut kelapa, dan akar kadaka), dan faktor yang kedua adalah konsentrasi pupuk daun (tanpa diberi pupuk daun, pupuk daun dengan konsentrasi 1 g L-1, 2 g L-1, 3 g L-1). Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa akar kadaka dapat meningkatkan pertambahan luas daun sebesar 19.2%dibandingkan pakis dan 26.67% dibandingkan sabut kelapa. Konsentrasi pupuk daun Greener 2 g L-1merupakan konsentrasi paling baik yang dapat meningkatkan pertambahan luas daun sebesar 78.31%dan pertambahan jumlah klorofil 25.58%. Kombinasi jenis media tanam dan konsentrasi pupuk belummeningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman anggrek Phalaenopsis pada fase aklimatisasi.Kata kunci: akar kadaka, konsentrasi, pakis, pertumbuhan tanaman, sabut kelapa