Cultivo de rúcula (Eruca sativa L.) em ambiente protegido sob diferentes concentrações de solução nutritiva

Hydroponics is an alternative cultivation technique in a protected environment, in which the soil is replaced by a nutrient solution, which contains all the essential nutrients for plant development. This study aimed to evaluate the production of rocket (Eruca sativa L.) under different nutrient solution systems in a passive hydroponic system with static solution under the conditions of Boa Vista-RR. The work was conducted under a protected environment on the Campus Murupu of the Agrotechnical School of the Federal University of Roraima - EAGRO / UFRR. The experimental design used was a randomized block with 4 treatments (I - 25%, II - 50%, III-75%, IV - 100%) and 5 replications, totaling 80 experimental plots. How to sacrifice 100% and 75% with nutrient solution were more efficient in the cultivation of rocket of the Roka variety in a protected environment.