Advances of Membrane Technology in Acid Gas Removal in Industries

The presence of H2S and CO2 is unfavorable in many processes and flows, particularly in natural gas flows. Therefore, removing this gas is one of the important issues in many systems. One of the most widely used techniques is the use of membrane. Therefore, the gas that passes through the membrane has low pressure. Membrane system is used to absorb a high volume of CO2. The factors needed for this kind of separation include gas composition, pressure, and temperature difference. An enhanced electrochemical membrane can also be used with coal gas to separate acid gases. Hydrogen is so rich in this process in which cathode and sulphur steam are produced and then exited. Granular activated carbon (GAC) can be used as supporting material to absorb H2S. The advantages of this method are including high capacity for H2S absorption and gas emission. Removing the H2S from waste gases or natural gas with high densities is done via bio-filter in this system. Granular activated carbon can be used as a supporting material to stabilize the microorganisms. Principal properties of the supporting material are including the mass density, the area of special surface, and the amount of its pH. This research discusses the membrane technology in removing the acid gases in the oil technology. © 2020 by SPC (Sami Publishing Company), Reproduction is permitted for noncommercial purposes.